Playing catchup.

I had expected to keep this up better than I have but something happened a couple of months ago that took all the inclination of writing out of me.

Snoopy got lost.

It happened one evening when Jim was repairing a hole in our trailer floor and I was at a meeting. When I returned we began to realize Snoopy was nowhere to be found. In the evening it's not unusual for the cats to be off snoozing somewhere so it was some time before we were looking for him. He must have snooped his way out the hole when no one was looking. By the time we were looking it was dark. We went out searching but in the dark we had no luck. He had gotten out one other time about a year before and after 2 days came back, but this time it wasn't to be.

His personality was so different from the others and was in many ways like a little 2 year old with me and I found it really hard to have him gone. We searched, and put up signs, etc. but to no avail. We live on the edge of the desert so my fear is that something got him. My hope is that he somehow found a nice new home.

Anyway, a recent visit from my son, and a desire to begin to share some more recent experiences has me once again adding to my site.

Life does after all go on... one day at a time.