New things for 2011

Wow, this year is already in full swing and I'm trying to keep up with it.

Jim had his surgery and so far his diabetes is in remission. YEA!  We are both following his diet that is mostly protien and very low carb.  So far for him this has also meant that he hasn't needed the pain meds he was taking for his arthritis pain.  Overall he is doing very well and losing weight.

I'm losing some, not as much as I'd like, but then I'm eating a bit more than him as well.
It was great getting this months Reader's Digest and seeing our diet being advocated as well.  I wonder if a lot of diabetes and over weight problems and joint pain could be avoided if everyone got off so much carbs (esp. the wheat, corn, potatoes, rice) and got into the high protien.  The rule of thumb his nutritionist gave us is 3 bites of protien for every bite of carb, and avoid the starchy carbs as much as possible, as well as no sugar. 

Also Jim was starting to have kidney problems before the surgery, and this diet seems to be helping with that as well.

This year I'm promising myself to do more with my photography and writinig. 
One thing I have done is to update another blog site I have called Feline Foibles with WordPress at .  On this site I will be adding article related to pets and particularly our cats.

Another venture is with Suite101 where I will be putting up articles.  My first was published there today.

I have also started putting photos up on a couple of stock photo sites. 

All this is new for me and I'm hoping I can keep myself motivated to keep going in this direction.

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