What a difference a day makes (2 times 360) plus 66

    My how time flies when you are having fun..... and I have to admit, it has been an enjoyable time overall.
    Would really like to think I would keep this up, but always seems there is something that distracts me away from it.  Does it really matter to anyone but me?  Probably not.  Guess in a way it's like graffiti on the airways.  Shows I've been here.
     So where am I at this place and time, compared to the last entry? 
     Jim - he didn't watch his diet, even surgically shurnk stomachs can stretch, and he is now were he was back with the diabetes, big stomach, and sore feet.  At least his kidneys are doing better.  It's hard for him I know, but he knows he is making the choices and he stays optomistic.  Also as we come out of what has been a very cold winter, he seems more motivated toward being busy and losing.  Neither of us has ever been good dealing with cold, and most of his projects require him being out in it, much easier to give in and stay inside in the warm. 
     For me, much of my interests lie inside, at my computer, so the motivation to get out and exercise really isn't there.
     I have begun to enjoy more TV of an evening.  But find it dissapointing when shows I really enjoy get taken off while others I consider less than trash, stay on.  Shows this year I especially enjoyed were The Neighbors, Middle, Modern Family and Suburgitory, Nashville, Zero Hour, Scandal, Elementry, Grey's Anatomy, Last Man Standing, Malibu Country and Downton Abbey. 
     Jim doesn't see much sense in TV, mostly because his hearing has gotten so bad he really can't enjoy it. So for several years I didn't watch.  This year I realized I missed it, and since my son had given me a big screen it seemed a shame not to enjoy it, so of an evening I go back and enjoy it.  At 66/amost 67, it seems I should do those things I enjoy at times.  Also I find it rests my eyes.  Good excuse. LOL

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